Journal Spotlight: Thrush

Happy New Year!

The January edition of Thrush Poetry Journal offers an opportunity to give a couple shout outs to the Poetdelphia community. Poetdelphian Valerie Fox has work in the new issue, as does friend of Poetdelphia Craig Moreau. Check it out at the link. Thrush has distinguished itself in only a few years as a journal to watch. Kudos to Valerie (and her collaborator Arlene Ang) and to Craig! Valerie and Craig have books out if you are curious for more. Valerie’s books include The Glass Book (Texture Press, 2011). Craig is the author of Chelsea Boy (Chelsea Station Editions, 2011). Thrush is named after the songbird whose cry is among the most distinctive and beautiful. It’s published six times a year online in alternating months.


Image from the Audubon Index.
